Half Day Courses
Two Day Courses
One and Two-Day Course Offerings: 8-Hour Classes
Fireground Tactics
This segment focuses on the two most common and deadly fires in America: fires in 1 and 2- family homes, or private dwellings, and fires in stores (taxpayers or strip malls). The class is approximately 8 hours in length. The standard segment includes:
- Introduction to the Scope of the Problem, Death and Injury Rates in P.D.s
- Size-Up, The 13- Point Approach
- Firefighter Survival Survey
- Fire Attack, Hoseline Selection, Placement and Water Supply
- Search and Rescue- Vent, Enter and Search (VES)
Emphasis is placed on developing workable tactics that your organization can implement on the fireground in a variety of common, and not so common, conditions.
Fires in stores and other commercial occupancies are severe threats to our firefighters. More firefighters are killed per alarm in commercial fires than in any other commonly encountered blaze. The toll on a community is often staggering when a block of Main St. is gutted by fire or major local employer is burnt out. The reason many of these blazes end up being so destructive is often traceable to the Fire Departments lack of preparedness. Fortunately major store fires are not "every day" occurrences, but as a consequence, many Departments try to apply "House Fire Tactics" to commercial fires. This class is designed to highlight the differences between Residential and Commercial fires, and provide instruction in tactics that have proven effective in dealing with them. By design, this segment is mated to the Private Dwelling fires course, so that attendees will see the advantages and disadvantages of each tactic in differing Fireground situations. The "Taxpayer" Segment includes:
- Introduction, Store Fires as Injury and Death Factories
- Construction Deficiencies Common to Stores
- Tactical Differences Between Residential and Commercial Fires
- Hoseline Selection, Stretching, and Placement
- Gaining Entry / Exit
- Cockloft Fires- Roof Operations
- Trusses and other Lightweight Roofs
- Cellar Fires- The Firefighter Trap
- Parapet Wall Collapse
- "Hidden" Dangers
This class focuses heavily on some of the more common causes of firefighter deaths and injuries in these dangerous structures, and offers useful tips on how to keep your firefighters from falling prey to these common dangers.
Terrorism-The New Reality for First Responders
8- Hour Class
FD Roles in Homeland Security:
- An Outline of the Roles the FD will be Called Upon to Fill in the Event of Potential Terrorist Attacks
- An Outline of the Types of Funding Sources That May be Available
- How the FDNY has been so Successful at Grant-Funded Terrorism Programs
- Terrorism Prevention
Operations at Bombings and Other Explosions:
- Historical Overview of Bombing Campaigns
- Evolution of Terrorist Groups Use of Bombs
- Examination of the Israeli Experience
- FD Operations at the Scene
- Threats to Responders
Operations at Chemical Attacks:
- Potential Targets
- Potential Agents
- FD Roles, Strategy and Tactics
- Decontamination Operations
- Medical Interventions
Operations At Biological Events:
- Potential Targets and Threats
- Suspicious "White Powders"
- Strategic and Tactical Responses to Threats
- Past Responses-Successes and Problems
Operations at Radiological Events:
- "Dirty Bombs"
- Detection Devices and Policies
- Dosimetry and Exposure Limits
- Decontamination
F.D. Operations with Sprinkler & Standpipe Systems
This is an 8 hour class designed to familiarize firefighters and officers with the principles of firefighting in buildings equipped with either or both types of systems. Topics covered include:
- Basic Concepts of Sprinkler Operations
- Sprinkler Systems Historical Success Rates
- Why Sprinkler Systems Fail
- FD Support of Sprinkler Systems Operation
- Potential Problems During Sprinkler Operations
- Pumper Operations, Pressures and Supply Arrangements
- Sprinkler System Components, Control Valves, Drains, Water Supplies, Etc.
- Basic Building Fire Pump Operation
- Standpipe System Components, Valves, Water Supplies, Etc.
- FD Operations from Standpipes
- Equipment Requirements
- Pumper Operations, Pressures & Supply Arrangements
- High Pressure Pumping (if applicable)
Trapped Firefighter Rescue
This is a one day class designed to familiarize a department with the "how-to's" of establishing, and operating Rapid Intervention Companies, and the techniques they must use to successfully rescue a fallen firefighter.
The class is built around a series of actual case histories of trapped or overcome firefighters. It is the result of intensive investigation and experimentation into what went wrong, what went right, and how to do it better the next time. All of the techniques shown have been tested and used repeatedly with success for removing unconscious firefighters from below grade, above grade, or at ground level.
Technical Rescue Operations
This one day class is an overview of the operation of a Heavy Rescue Company, describing the personnel, equipment, training, and motivation required to deal with the broad range of incidents likely to be faced by the responders. Having a massive rescue apparatus is not a prerequisite for conducting rescue operations, nor does the mere presence of such a vehicle ensure that a successful rescue will be forthcoming. The members of the Rescue Squad must know what to expect and what to do about the most likely incidents they will face. The class includes :
- Fireground Rescue Operations-including Unconscious Firefighter Removals
- Building Collapse Rescue Operations
- Confined Space Rescue
- High Angle Rescue
- Trench Rescue Operations
- Elevator Rescue
Classroom illustrations are used to acquaint the students with some of the most common situations, and guide them through the decision making process for safely and successfully resolving these incidents.
Ladder Company Operations
This is a one day 8- hour class covering ladder/ rescue company operations in a variety of occupancies. Major areas addressed include:
- Size-up and Survival Survey
- Forcible Entry
- Search and Rescue, Vent, Enter and Search
- Portable Ladder Placement and Use
- Ventilation and Roof Operations
- Aerial Ladder And Elevating Platform Placement and Use